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Marketing Strategy
- Annual Marketing Planning
- Product Launches
- Marketing Audits

Brand Marketing
- Brand Positioning and Messaging
- Targeted Messaging
- Rebrand and Acquisition Marketing



Content Marketing
- Content Planning
- Content Development
- Content Programs

Marketing Automation
- HubSpot Onboarding + Training
- Integrate HubSpot With Your CRM
- HubSpot Audits + Optimization


Jennifer Dawkins

Jennifer has been successfully marketing to engineers and scientists for nearly 20 years. Her marketing experience spans from defining company narratives and developing integrated marketing campaigns to building mutually beneficial partner relationships and maximizing performance in cross-functional teams. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a native Austinite and when not at work, enjoys being on the lake or cheering on her sons’ soccer teams.

Strategy Before Tactics: Laying the Foundation for B2B Marketing Success

5 min read

Strategy Before Tactics: Laying the Foundation for B2B Marketing Success

There are just a few weeks left in the quarter and your marketing KPIs are not what you hoped. Website traffic? Stagnant. Lead generation? Crickets. The pressure to scramble and launch new tactics in the final hour can be overwhelming, often leading...

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Engineering a Multichannel Marketing Strategy

4 min read

Engineering a Multichannel Marketing Strategy

Until recently, we’ve been living in this wonderful marketing world of SEO magic, where you carefully tend to one primary marketing channel (your...

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What to Include on Your Marketing Scorecard

3 min read

What to Include on Your Marketing Scorecard

Measurement should be baked into your marketing plan from the start – determining how you’ll measure the success of your activities is as important...

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Content Types that Guide Engineers Throughout Their Buyer's Journey

4 min read

Content Types that Guide Engineers Throughout Their Buyer's Journey

Engineers are savvy buyers, investing significant time to research multiple companies and solutions ahead of making a purchasing decision. With a...

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3 Prerequisites to a Successful ABM Campaign for Engineering Companies

3 min read

3 Prerequisites to a Successful ABM Campaign for Engineering Companies

While account-based marketing (ABM) is not a new concept, the limitations the pandemic has placed on traditional marketing tactics combined with...

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Attract Engineering Prospects with CAD Content Marketing

3 min read

Attract Engineering Prospects with CAD Content Marketing

Having diverse content types to attract and engage your personas through their buyer’s journey is key to the success of any content marketing program...

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