Content Marketing, Engineered Podcast

Niche Content Marketing in Metalworking with Nick Goellner

Written by Wendy Covey | 9/17/20 3:00 PM

Narrow your focus to grow your business. It is easy to say but not always easy to do. Learn how one marketer uses a niche-focused strategy within the metalworking industry to provide tailored content and grow business.


Nick Goellner, AME Sales and Marketing Director and Making Chips Partner and Host, grew up around metalworking. His grandfather founded and family runs Advanced Machine and Engineering (AME). As Nick took on marketing for the business, he began researching how to pivot to a content marketing model. He saw that by providing value through content, treated as a product, AME could build trust and generate leads. It also elevated himself professionally as he moved the marketing function away from a reactive support role for sales and towards a strategic partner and generator of qualified leads.

In searching for a podcast focused in AME's industry, Nick came across Making Chips. (If you were not aware, "chips" in metalworking refer to the metal shaving castoffs in the metalworking process). This video podcast also focuses on metalworking, but unlike AME's content targeted at technical buyers, Making Chips creates leadership content. Long story short, synergies were found and ultimately Nick joined Making Chips as both a Partner and Host

